Culture Index

Culture Index, a renowned data analytics platform, empowers businesses worldwide to analyze and discover top talent. When I was asked to lead the design work for the new platform, the project was in a critical state, six months behind schedule, and required a comprehensive reskinning of the UI and change to flows. The goal was to breathe new life into Culture Index's platform, which had been utilizing an outdated user interface and experience for over a decade.


Outdated UI

  • The existing UI was outdated, hindering user experience and not aligning with modern design standards.

  • Stakeholders expressed dissatisfaction with the previous designer's work and sought a more engaging and contemporary interface.

Aggressive Timeline

  • The project was significantly behind schedule, with a pressing need for swift progress.

  • Stakeholders demanded a fresh, "fun," and exciting design that resonated with their diverse customer base.


Collaboration & Project Kickoff

  • Worked closely with the Project Management team and stakeholders to understand project objectives, expectations, and the desired transformation of the UI.

  • Conducted an initial audit of the existing platform to identify pain points and areas for improvement.

Rapid Ideation & Mockup Generation

  • Initiated an accelerated ideation phase, generating over 70+ mockups within a tight timeframe of three months.

  • Collaborated with stakeholders to gather feedback iteratively, ensuring alignment with their vision for a more vibrant and engaging user interface.

Design Principles and Brand Integration

  • Leveraged design principles from Google's Material Design System to ensure a modern and cohesive aesthetic.

  • Incorporated Culture Index's branding colors to maintain consistency with the company's visual identity.

Medium-High Fidelity Mockups

  • Recognizing the tight timeline, delivered many medium-high fidelity mockups that prioritized speed without compromising the overall quality.

  • Iterative design reviews and refinements ensured continuous progress towards the launch goal.

Stakeholder Engagement

  • Conducted regular check-ins and presentations with stakeholders to maintain transparency and gather real-time feedback.

  • Adjusted design direction based on stakeholder preferences, ensuring a collaborative and customer-focused approach.


Revolutionized Look and Feel

  • Delivered over 70+ mockups that completely transformed the look and feel of the Culture Index platform.

  • Introduced a more vibrant, modern, and user-centric UI that aimed to enhance user engagement.

Timely Launch

  • Despite the initial delays, the project gained momentum and successfully launched later in 2020, reaching hundreds of clients and thousands of users.

  • The aggressive timeline was met without compromising the quality of the UI enhancements.

Positive Stakeholder Reception

  • Stakeholders expressed satisfaction and enthusiasm for the new design, recognizing its alignment with their vision for a "fun" and exciting user experience.

  • The modernized UI resonated well with both internal stakeholders and Culture Index's diverse user base.

Global Impact

  • The new updated platform is now utilized by companies worldwide, contributing to Culture Index's global influence in talent analytics.

The Culture Index project stands as a testament to the successful collaboration between development and design. Through efficient ideation, rapid mockup generation, and stakeholder engagement, we achieved the ambitious goal of creating a new interface and more intuitive experience within a challenging timeframe. The result is a modern and engaging platform that not only meets the expectations of stakeholders but also resonates with thousands of users worldwide, solidifying Culture Index's position as a leader in the talent analytics space.


Hilco Global


Samsung Electronics